


- Program to inspect article and orders from H*bbyking -

Just add articles and orders by a click on the buttons on the right and see what HK is giving for informations.
I prefer to add aticles by the complete URL of the article using the clipboard. Just copy the URL to the clipboard,
click on "Add article" inside HKHelper and click "Add article from Clipboard URL".

If you check "Catch from Clipboard" HKhelper recognizes if you put some HK article URL to the clipboard
and automatically adds it to your HKHelper list.

If you doubleclick an article the corresponding HK page is opened in your web browser using the article number.
A doubleclick on an order opens the DHL tracking website.
(give me the URL for the tracking side of your country and I will add it to HKhelper)

A right click on the article or order list will open these and other actions.

The membership selection will change the prices. So check wihich HK membership you have to get the correct pricing.
The exchange rates are automatically downloaded from the european central bank. The will definitely not match the
exchange rates HK calculates and also not to the exchange rates Payp*l calculates.!!!! It's just an approximate price.

Thread at HK Forum


For any information please contact me
mail me.